Keno Variation for Keno Enthusiasts

Keno Variation for Keno Enthusiasts

For Keno enthusiasts the Keno variations are a way of betting on numbers that cannot be seen in the bookmakers. You can pick a number or any combination as your stake, if you win then your stake is doubled but if you lose, then you only lose the original amount. If you go for two Keno variations you can get more chances to win. The first variation pays off if you come top or second last but if you place in the top three, the fourth or fifth place you still get the payout. On the other hand, the second and third versions do not pay off if you end up last. So, depending on your strategy you may want to go with either one of these variants.


Most Keno players select keno for the huge payouts it gives them. There are also some who play Keno for the thrill of trying to beat the odds. In both ways, Keno has its advantages and disadvantages. For those who bet using pure numbers, it could be quite tedious and tiring to check numbers at the same time every hour for every single hour. This would not be relaxing for most Keno players so they choose other games such as blackjack, video poker, craps or roulette. They still get to see their winnings because they bet using many numbers. Keno variations


Online casinos have Keno versions too but the payouts are significantly less. Online players are used to make several different bets each hour and there is hardly any time to sit at the track and check numbers. Therefore, land-based casinos have more chances of paying out good payouts because there are a lot of players going around and making a lot of bets. In fact, Keno is just like any other game in which the house always wins. The main difference between land-based and online casinos though is that Keno players get to make several different bets each hour while at land-based casinos the only thing to do is to go inside and wait for the next payout timer.